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[TCT2008] George Dangas教授对话王建安教授:无保护左主干病变的介入治疗、光学相干断层成像

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2008/10/30 12:30:00    加入收藏
 关键字:左主干病变 药物洗脱支架 光学相干断层成像 George Dangas教授 
International Circulation: You have published some articles about drug-eluting stent implantation for patients with unprotected left main coronary artery stenosis. Would you like to share your experience with us in the treatment of unprotected left main coronary artery disease? Professor Dangas: Certainly. This is a very high-risk group of patients. In the United States, we treat the patients with unprotected left main primarily when the patient decides to not have surgery, because of the American guidelines we have to follow. Accordingly, these are frail patients with a lot of other co-morbidities who are at high risk for surgery. We have employed a technique of single stenting as much as possible and in about 20% a technique of two stents. We use drug-eluting stents in both situations routinely. We perform angiograms at three months and one year after the procedure. We had a very high success rate, with a stent thrombosis rate of about 1-3% over a one-year period. The mortality rate was also about 3.5% over two years. This actually was a very successful study that we had. We studied that in combination with the data from the left main data from Milan.

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